What Time Is It In Los Angeles?

What is the current time in Los Angeles, California

The current time in Los Angeles, California is

7:43 PM

The date is January 02, 2025

Quick facts

  • Los Angeles is 8:00 behind GMT right now
  • Los Angeles's time zone is Pacific Time

What Time Zone is Los Angeles, California In?

Los Angeles is in Pacific Time time zone, also sometimes abbreviated to PT. There are many cities and states in this time zone. This time zone consists of two "sub" time zones: PST and PDT. It is one or the other, depending on the time of year. In PT, clocks are typically moved forward and backwards anually (once forward and once backward every year).

Timezone Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
GMT Offset -8:00 -7:00 -6:00 -5:00
12-hour time 10:43 PM 9:43 PM 8:43 PM 7:43 PM
24-hour time 22:43 21:43 20:43 19:43
Military time 2243 2143 2043 1943

Seasons in Los Angeles

Los Angeles has a unique climate that allows for mild temperatures and sunny skies throughout the year. Call me when it rains. The city hosts a variety of events and traditions that are specific to each season, such as the LA County Fair in the summer and the Rose Parade in the winter. However, traffic is terrible and can greatly impact travel time and daily commutes, as major highways such as the 405 and 101 can become congested during peak hours. It can take up to 2-3 hours to travel to popular cities within a 50 mile radius, such as Santa Barbara and Anaheim which in rural areas would be less than an hour drive.


  • Average temperature: 60-75°F
  • Climate: Mild and sunny with occasional rain
  • Unique traditions and events: The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, the LA Beer Fest, and the LA Marathon
  • Average daylight: 12-14 hours


  • Average temperature: 75-85°F
  • Climate: Hot and dry with occasional fog
  • Unique traditions and events: The LA County Fair, the Hollywood Bowl Summer Concert Series, and the LA Food Fest
  • Average daylight: 14-15 hours


  • Average temperature: 65-75°F
  • Climate: Mild and sunny with occasional Santa Ana winds
  • Unique traditions and events: The LA County Air Show, the LA County Fair, and the LA Oktoberfest
  • Average daylight: 11-13 hours


  • Average temperature: 50-65°F
  • Climate: Cool and rainy with occasional Santa Ana winds
  • Unique traditions and events: The LA Auto Show, the LA Zoo Lights, and the Rose Parade
  • Average daylight: 9-10 hours

Los Angeles, located in Southern California, is in the Pacific Time Zone. It is 8 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-8). The nearest timezone border is approximately 20 miles east of the city, where it would switch to Mountain Time. The respective travel time to neighboring states is approximately 2 hours to Nevada and 6 hours to Arizona. Some of the neighboring cities include Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Long Beach. If someone were to drive from Los Angeles across America, it would take approximately 41 hours. Learn more about traveling to Los Angeles and explore all that this vibrant city has to offer.

Destination Distance (miles) Time (hours) Timezone Change (hours)
Yosemite National Park 307 6.14 0
White House in Washington D.C. 2,299 45.98 +3
Denali National Park 2,907 58.14 -1
Las Vegas Strip 270 5.4 0
Citizens Bank Park 2,696 53.92 +3
Niagara Falls 2,424 48.48 +3
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco 383 7.66 0
Yellowstone 1,007 20.14 -1
Manhattan 2,790 55.8 +3
Grand Canyon 373 7.46 -1

Other times in the United States

The United States has four main time zones and six time zones including Alaska and Hawaii. Time can span between six hours and range from -5 UTC hours to -10 UTC, making time in Los Angeles change by a 6 hour time frame in the United States. Here are the most popular current times across the USA.

City State Timezone 12-hour time 24 hour time Military time
New York City New York Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Boston Massachusetts Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Chicago Illinois Central Time 5:24 PM 17:24 1724
Phoenix Arizona Mountain Time 3:24 PM 15:24 1524
Los Angeles California Pacific Time 3:24 PM 15:24 1524

Fast Facts About Los Angeles

What time zone is Los Angeles in?

Los Angeles is in the Pacific Time time zone

What is Los Angeles time compared to UTC?

UTC or Coordinated Universal Time is the global time standard, and Los Angeles is offset by -8:00.