What Time Is It In Louisville?

What is the current time in Louisville, Kentucky

The current time in Louisville, Kentucky is

2:07 AM

The date is January 05, 2025

Quick facts

  • Louisville is 5:00 behind GMT right now
  • Louisville's time zone is Eastern Time

What Time Zone is Louisville, Kentucky In?

Louisville is in Eastern Time time zone, also sometimes abbreviated to ET. There are many cities and states in this time zone. This time zone consists of two "sub" time zones: EST and EDT. It is one or the other, depending on the time of year. In ET, clocks are typically moved forward and backwards anually (once forward and once backward every year).

Timezone Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
GMT Offset -8:00 -7:00 -6:00 -5:00
12-hour time 2:07 AM 1:07 AM 12:07 AM 11:07 PM
24-hour time 02:07 01:07 00:07 23:07
Military time 0207 0107 0007 2307

Compared to other cities in Kentucky, Louisville has a unique blend of experiences like Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory, which is a popular tourist attraction that showcases the history of baseball and the iconic Louisville Slugger bat and multiple burbon tours. Other notable attractions in the state include the Mammoth Cave National Park, the Kentucky Horse Park, and the Muhammad Ali Center. These attractions are located within a few hours' drive from Louisville, making it a great destination for tourists looking to explore the state.


  • Average temperature: 50-70°F
  • Climate: Mild and rainy
  • Unique traditions and events: Kentucky Derby Festival, Thunder Over Louisville, Cherokee Triangle Art Fair
  • Average daylight: 12-14 hours


  • Average temperature: 70-90°F
  • Climate: Hot and humid
  • Unique traditions and events: Forecastle Festival, Kentucky State Fair, Shakespeare in the Park
  • Average daylight: 14-15 hours


  • Average temperature: 50-70°F
  • Climate: Mild and dry
  • Unique traditions and events: Bourbon & Beyond Festival, St. James Court Art Show, Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular
  • Average daylight: 10-12 hours


  • Average temperature: 20-40°F
  • Climate: Cold and snowy
  • Unique traditions and events: Light Up Louisville, Christmas at the Galt House, Ice Skating at Fourth Street Live!
  • Average daylight: 9-10 hours

Louisville is a city located in the state of Kentucky, in the Eastern Time Zone. It is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-5). The nearest timezone border is approximately 50 miles to the west, in the Central Time Zone. The neighboring states of Indiana and Ohio are respectively 10 and 100 miles away, with travel times of approximately 20 minutes and 1.5 hours. The closest cities are Lexington, KY (75 miles, 1.5 hours), Cincinnati, OH (100 miles, 2 hours), and Indianapolis, IN (115 miles, 2 hours). It would take approximately 30 hours to drive from Louisville to Los Angeles, California, across America. Learn more about traveling to Louisville and discover all the exciting things this city has to offer.

Destination Distance (miles) Time to Drive (hours) Timezone Change (hours)
Yosemite National Park 2,100 42 -3
White House in Washington D.C. 600 12 -1
Denali National Park 3,700 74 -4
Las Vegas Strip 1,800 36 -3
Citizens Bank Park 650 13 -1
Niagara Falls 550 11 -1
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco 2,200 44 -3
Yellowstone 1,400 28 -2
Manhattan 750 15 -1
Grand Canyon 1,500 30 -2

Other times in the United States

The United States has four main time zones and six time zones including Alaska and Hawaii. Time can span between six hours and range from -5 UTC hours to -10 UTC, making time in Louisville change by a 6 hour time frame in the United States. Here are the most popular current times across the USA.

City State Timezone 12-hour time 24 hour time Military time
New York City New York Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Boston Massachusetts Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Chicago Illinois Central Time 5:24 PM 17:24 1724
Phoenix Arizona Mountain Time 3:24 PM 15:24 1524
Los Angeles California Pacific Time 3:24 PM 15:24 1524

Fast Facts About Louisville

What time zone is Louisville in?

Louisville is in the Eastern Time time zone

What is Louisville time compared to UTC?

UTC or Coordinated Universal Time is the global time standard, and Louisville is offset by -5:00.