What Time Is It In Des Moines?

What is the current time in Des Moines, Iowa

The current time in Des Moines, Iowa is

1:32 AM

The date is January 05, 2025

Quick facts

  • Des Moines is 6:00 behind GMT right now
  • Des Moines's time zone is Central Time

What Time Zone is Des Moines, Iowa In?

Des Moines is in Central Time time zone, also sometimes abbreviated to CT. There are many cities and states in this time zone. This time zone consists of two "sub" time zones: CST and CDT. It is one or the other, depending on the time of year. In CT, clocks are typically moved forward and backwards anually (once forward and once backward every year).

Timezone Pacific Mountain Central Eastern
GMT Offset -8:00 -7:00 -6:00 -5:00
12-hour time 2:32 AM 1:32 AM 12:32 AM 11:32 PM
24-hour time 02:32 01:32 00:32 23:32
Military time 0232 0132 0032 2332

Seasons in Des Moines, Iowa


  • Average temperature: 50-70°F
  • Climate: Mild with occasional rain showers
  • Unique traditions and events: Des Moines Arts Festival, Drake Relays, and Tulip Time Festival in nearby Pella
  • Average daylight: 12-14 hours


  • Average temperature: 70-85°F
  • Climate: Warm and humid with occasional thunderstorms
  • Unique traditions and events: Iowa State Fair, Des Moines Farmers' Market, and 80/35 Music Festival
  • Average daylight: 14-15 hours


  • Average temperature: 50-70°F
  • Climate: Cool with occasional rain showers
  • Unique traditions and events: World Food & Music Festival, Living History Farms' Family Halloween, and Oktoberfest in nearby Amana Colonies
  • Average daylight: 10-12 hours


  • Average temperature: 10-30°F
  • Climate: Cold with occasional snowfall
  • Unique traditions and events: Jolly Holiday Lights, Winter Farmers' Market, and Blank Park Zoo's Zoo Brew
  • Average daylight: 9-10 hours


Des Moines offers a unique experience in each season. Spring and fall are mild with occasional rain showers, while summer is warm and humid with occasional thunderstorms. Winter is cold with occasional snowfall. Des Moines hosts several unique events and traditions throughout the year, such as the Iowa State Fair, Des Moines Arts Festival, and Jolly Holiday Lights. Compared to other cities in Iowa, Des Moines offers a diverse range of events and attractions. The distance between historical monuments or tourist traps within the state varies, but it would take approximately 30 minutes to travel to suburbs such as West Des Moines, Ankeny, and Urbandale.

Des Moines is the capital city of Iowa, located in the central part of the state. It falls under the Central Time Zone (CST) and is six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-6). The nearest timezone border is approximately 50 miles west of the city, which is the Mountain Time Zone (MST). The respective travel time to the nearest states, Minnesota and Missouri, is around 3 hours and 2.5 hours, respectively. Des Moines' neighboring cities include Ames, Ankeny, West Des Moines, and Urbandale. If someone were to drive from Des Moines across America, it would take approximately 28 hours. Learn more about traveling to Des Moines and explore the city's rich history and culture.

Destination Distance (miles) Time (hours) Timezone Change (hours)
Yosemite National Park 1,670 33.4 -2
White House in Washington D.C. 935 18.7 -1
Denali National Park 3,100 62 +3
Las Vegas Strip 1,400 28 -2
Citizens Bank Park 1,000 20 -1
Niagara Falls 1,050 21 -1
Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco 1,800 36 -2
Yellowstone 1,100 22 -1
Manhattan 1,200 24 -1
Grand Canyon 1,200 24 -1

Other times in the United States

The United States has four main time zones and six time zones including Alaska and Hawaii. Time can span between six hours and range from -5 UTC hours to -10 UTC, making time in Des Moines change by a 6 hour time frame in the United States. Here are the most popular current times across the USA.

City State Timezone 12-hour time 24 hour time Military time
New York City New York Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Philadelphia Pennsylvania Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Boston Massachusetts Eastern Time 6:24 PM 18:24 1824
Chicago Illinois Central Time 5:24 PM 17:24 1724
Phoenix Arizona Mountain Time 3:24 PM 15:24 1524
Los Angeles California Pacific Time 3:24 PM 15:24 1524

Fast Facts About Des Moines

What time zone is Des Moines in?

Des Moines is in the Central Time time zone

What is Des Moines time compared to UTC?

UTC or Coordinated Universal Time is the global time standard, and Des Moines is offset by -6:00.